Unconventional Leadership Development
Supporting leaders with humility to achieve radical professional growth
Are you a Hidden Leader?
This is for the quiet innovators, the humble visionaries, the leaders in waiting. It's time to step out of the shadows and into your light. Embrace your unique leadership style that puts people first, thinks outside the box, and drives change; not for the sake of personal recognition, but to create a better future for everyone.
Feeling overlooked despite consistent high performance?
Questioning if you are missing something, leaving you hesitant to take charge, even though you often see better ways of doing things?
Confused that no-one seems to be prioritising the most important issues and activities?
Frustrated that the loudest voices seem to be the only ones that are heard?
Concerned that you have to choose between being authentic or being successful?
Uncomfortable with self-promotion or highlighting personal achievements?
Struggling to influence upwards even though your opinion is often sought by your peers?

If so, you are not alone.
The dissatisfaction you are feeling with your current situation is not an indication of a flawed personality. In fact, it is more likely to be a sign of exceptional leadership capability - a natural inclination to lead through service rather than control. Your intuitive understanding of others enables you to see situations in a way others typically don’t, and you know the answer to most challenges is to better empower the people around you.
Unrecognised, hidden leaders can become disillusioned and frustrated, working longer hours to try to effect change in a system that doesn’t recognise their perspective.
It’s a lonely place to be, the hidden leader looks around and wonders why everyone else is ok, reaching the inevitable conclusion that it must be something within them that is broken.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
It is possible for you to have a career that energises you and brings you joy. To be seen, valued and celebrated for your uniquely collaborative and authentic style. To advance to a role where your impact and contribution fully matches your capability and ambition.
When you fully embrace your leadership potential, you will confidently step into roles where you not only succeed yourself, but inspire growth and change in those around you too.
Our ‘Emerge and Lead’ framework will help you to:
Identify and connect with your desired future self, defining success in a way that is meaningful for you
Understand the relationship between identity and behaviour, supercharging your confidence and helping you rapidly achieve bigger goals in your day-to-day work and life
Explore your relationship with power and define your unique and authentic leadership style, unlocking confidence in your ability to deliver exceptional results through others
Unravel the secrets of executive presence and influencing without authority, enabling you to command attention without being the loudest in the room
Design your environment and your life to ensure you achieve your professional aims whilst prioritising your wellbeing and life balance